Sino-French conference in Algebraic and Complex Geometry
Lyon, April 23-27, 2018
Louis BISSINGER (1899-1978) La Saône à Lyon, 1948 - Huile sur toile
Mini courses
Bruno Klingler : o-minimality and Hodge theory
Tony Yue Yu(余越): Non-archimedean SYZ fibration and enumerative geometry
Research talks
François Charles
Frédéric Déglise
Philippe Eyssidieux
Jean Fasel
Javier Fresán
Jingjun Han (韩京俊)
Andreas Höring
Zhi Jiang(江智)
Chi Li(李驰)
Zhiyuan Li(李志远)
Ruochuan Liu(刘若川)
Olivier Wittenberg
Junyi Xie (谢俊逸)
Kang Zuo (左康)
Titles and Abstracts
Group photo
Practical information
Location: Monday ~ Thursday: Salle/Room "Fontaine", ground floor of Batîment/Building "Darwin", entrance D (the most west one).
Friday: Salle/Room "Fokko du Cloux", Batîment/Building "Braconnier",
Institut Camille Jordan.
Access: click "La Doua Campus".
Campus map
The registration is closed.
From the Lyon Saint-Exupéry airport, take Rhône Express / Lyon Express to Part-Dieu train station.
From the Lyon Part-Dieu train station, acces to La Doua Campus is direct using tramway (T1 and T4). You may take a tramway T1 to the direction IUT Feyssine or a tramway T4 to the direction La Doua-Gaston Berger, and get off at the station "Université Lyon 1". The Building "Darwin" is on the same side of the street as the station, while the Building "Braconnier" is on the other side.
Lie Fu(傅列)
Zhiyu Tian(田志宇)
Chenyang Xu(许晨阳)
Fondation Mathématiques Jacques Hadamard
Labex Milyon
Institut Camille Jordan, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
ANR Project HodgeFun
Fédération de Recherche en Mathématiques Rhône-Alpes/Auvergne